Support and membership

Your Support needed:

Continental Sound was able since 1969/1970 to do its blessed ministry, thanks to the financial support of many. We are so THANKFUL for that. Thanks to this support through the years we were able to do all the innovations and all ministries by and in the arts and specially for youth in Western and Eastern Europe.
As well many publications were possible, what was cutting edge then, is common good now. Today, for a Christian to be involved in the arts and culture is totally normal again. And that should be, as God gave gifts to be developed.
But activities continue. There is still a lot to be done, new activities for youth, trainings, for society, for migrants, for churches, for…
And for all of that your support is essential.
Stay with us with donations via:
IBAN: NL03 INGB 0002 2528 88 in the name of Stichting Continental Sound, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

MEMBERSHIP : Continental Sound

Besides donations, you can become MEMBER too, but ONLY living in the Netherlands.
Membership gives ongoing (monthly) support. Costs € 6,45 PER MONTH, via incasso. As a member you get the magazine Sjofar.

MEMBERSHIP for artists, musicians, dancers, actors, visual artists, writers…

This is ONLY when living in The Netherlands…: It is very important that Christians, being professionally in the arts join forces. You do that by becoming member of Christian Artists. Costs € 30,00 per year (and that is inclusive benefits). There is as well a special contactportal ONLY for members to present themselves: Members with a conservatorium diploma can present themselves too at .
N.b. Being a student or living on welfare there are discounts on the membershipamount.


For rehearsing and/or performances, presentations, concerts you need to pay the performing rights to BUMA. That can be complicated and expensive. Continental Sound has a special Buma-membership for CHOIRS, BANDS, ENSEMBLE, COMPANIES giving you a huge discount. So join this provision. This is ONLY when living in The Netherlands